Christmas Treats

Here at Posh we think that a delicious breakfast on Christmas morning is something to be planned and celebrated. Our porridge and bircher boxes are a perfect choice to make sure you’re sorted with something sophisticated, simple and slick come Dec 25th.

We’ve also created a couple of very special treats that are sure to add a little extra sparkle to your Christmas morning.

Our Fruit Cake Granola is exactly what it says…oats, dried fruit and spices roasted to perfection. Sprinkle on fresh or roasted fruit alongside some decadent Greek yoghurt. Pair it with a generous plunger of coffee and a Mimosa and you’re set up for the day.

Our Spiced Orange Coulis is zesty and tangy and harnesses the warming spices of a classic Christmas moment. This season at the market we’ve paired it with dark chocolate and hazelnut granola, whipped cream fraiche and homemade brandy snaps on porridge and it is delish!

Pick them up online or instore.


We’re all going on a summer holiday


Kate & Helga